Let’s use this blog on TestNG Annotations in Selenium to help us understand this idea. Numerous testing methods and concepts have changed since the concept of automation testing was first given, but the needs have been able to survive and remain constant. One such method is TestNG, which uses annotations to help us organise the test cases into various code areas. And how does it perform?
To learn more about TestNG Annotations in Selenium, join Selenium Training in Chennai for the worthy certification.
Why use TestNG in Selenium?
All software developers agree that putting code in test cases helps them to reduce the amount of time they spend debugging. Why? That is because test cases enable the creation of robust and error-free code by dividing the entire code into smaller test cases, which are then evaluated to determine whether they pass or fail.
TestNG supports the following features:
- It generates a report in the appropriate format, listing the number of test cases that were successfully completed, the number that failed, and the number of test cases that were skipped.
- Making several test cases into a TestNG.xml file will make grouping them easier. The priorities for running the test cases can be defined here.
- Cross-browser testing, often known as the execution of various test cases across many browsers, is possible using TestNG.
- It is simple to link the testing framework with programs like Maven, Jenkins, etc.
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Annotations for TestNG
Selenium uses TestNG Annotations to control the execution of the subsequent method. Every method in the test code has a definition for a test annotation. If a method is not tagged with annotations, it will not be performed as part of the test code and will be ignored. Methods need just be marked with “@Test” to be built.
Different TestNG Annotation Types:
@BeforeMethod: A method marked with the annotation will be called before to each method marked with the annotation @test.
@AfterMethod: Every method with the annotation @test will run this code after it.
@BeforeClass: This annotation will be run before the initial execution of the @Test function. Each class only has one run of it.
@AfterClass: This annotation will be carried out upon the completion of all test methods for the current class.
@BeforeTest: Methods marked with this annotation will run before methods annotated with @Test.
@AfterTest: Annotation instructs a method to run once all @Test-annotated methods have finished running the classes contained within the tag in the TestNG.xml file.
@BeforeSuite: Annotation will only be run once before to the execution of each test in the suite.
@AfterSuite: The annotation instructs a method to execute once following the completion of all tests in the suite.
@BeforeGroups: It will execute before that particular group’s initial test run.
@AfterGroups: This annotated method will execute following the completion of each test method in that group.
So far, we have discussed TestNG Annotations in Selenium. It is clear from the output above that the Before Suite and After Suite were only run once, along with both test cases. Also, the test passed using the default test and suite. You must run the test cases using annotations in this manner. To learn more about Selenium automation, join Selenium Training in Coimbatore at FITA Academy for the best training with career guidance.
Also Read: Top 10 Selenium Automation Training Institutes in Chennai.