Here, we will discuss why Robot framework for acceptance testing.
What is Robot Framework?
Robot framework is an open source framework with a keyword-driven methodology that understands text and HTML formatted test case scripts. It is a framework wrapper written with the help of test libraries. These test libraries are chosen based on the framework we use to automate various types of applications. Join Robot Framework Test Automation Course in Chennai at FITA Academy, which will provide you with wider opportunities.
What Are The Key Components of Robot Framework?
Continuous Integration:
Jenkins is a continuous monitoring tool that handles all activities that must be performed as part of a complete automation end-to-end run. Jenkins’ role is to monitor the jobs that have been stimulated to run the Pybot tests.
Test Suite:
It is a test script file with three test cases labelled “Testcase.” The Robot framework considers the labels under this tag to be test methods. They are carried out sequentially, from top to bottom.
It is a robot framework module that executes test scripts written in Robot framework format. The Pybot reads the various framework files and runs the tests by performing multiple actions on the UI of apps.
Robot Framework Code Base:
The folder structure contains all scripts that communicate and operate on the application’s UI using Appium libraries. It includes various external libraries based on the requirements.
Appium Server:
Appium is an open-source engine that runs on Node.js and is an interpreter used to drive the Appium library commands to perform actions on application user interfaces. It is necessary to be operational during an interaction with the application’s UI.
Real Device:
Most automation test scripts that must be run are executed on virtual devices. Emulator hosts various Android versions of devices and runs them virtually.
The test cases can be executed without changing a single line of the framework, provided the UI contains all the elements specified in the code. Robot Framework Online Training offers worthy certification training with 100% placement assistance.
Reports or Logs:
The robot framework’s superior logging and reporting of features in test case executions is a benefit of using it. The reports are developed in a standard format and can also be customized.
Test Report:
It is a Report.html page that is generated automatically after a test run. This page summarises various test suites and their runs with the triggered Pybot command.
Test Logs:
The test logs help to find the runtime values and logs of the test case. This method saves time by avoiding the need to debug and then fix the code.
Robot Plug-in Report:
Jenkins has a robot framework plug-in that displays interactive reports. We can analyze the reports to see specifics about the health of the test cases running in parallel job runs. This plug-in can also analyze the trend of each test case in each job run.
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Now you would have understood What Are The Key Components of Robot Framework. So, to have a profound understanding of the robot framework, you can join Robot Framework Test Automation Course in Bangalore and equip yourself with the help of its benefits, features and core concepts.
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